USNCCM XI - 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics

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Travel Awards


The deadline for applying for travel awards has now passed.  We are no longer accepting applictions.

Travel Awards - 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics

Depending on the availability of funds, we expect to award a limited number of travel grants to graduate/undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows.  In order to be eligible to receive a travel grant, the applicant must present a poster* in the poster session, as well as make an oral presentation in a minisymposium related to their field of study.  Only full time graduate/undergraduate students currently studying at a U.S. university or post-doctoral fellows employed at a U.S. university are eligible to apply. 

We anticipate the awards to be as follows:

Graduate/undergraduate students: $500 toward travel expenses and registration fee covered.

Post-doctoral fellows: $500 toward travel expenses and $300 toward registration.

To apply, download and complete the application form (found here) and forward to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  The application must be signed by your advisor.  Applications will be taken until midnight April 15, 2011.  The awardees will be chosen by the organizing committee from the pool of applicants.  Announcements of the awardees will be made by May 1, 2011.


*Post-doctoral fellows do not need to submit a poster in order to be considered for a travel award, but will be required to submit one if awarded.  They will not, however, be eligible for a student poster competition award.



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